Kemurahan Tuhan selalu mengalir didalam kehidupan keluarga besar kami. Memampukan kami semua boleh sehati dan saling menghargai satu sama lain.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
This is my father, Michael..took the photo with spectacular view of the course
I enjoyed so much playing golf at Awana with my father...nice course, nice weather.. ^_^
She loves to swim..
Erna loves to read and we often went to MPH
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Super model ??? Hahahaa? ^_*
Nice pose..
Max is having fun to take picture as elephant
We are having fun at Zoo today ^_^
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Cfx Crew..Thank God our recording done very well. Our first CD theme: S'turut KehendakMu
Me, Pak Hardiman dan Romo Benny. Kita ambil foto bersama pada Retret Pertumbuhan. They are amazing instrument of God.
Hey..look at my niece..her name is Jessica
Hi..It's me. I can't believe myself..hehe? I was the champion for the Bowling Tournament at Victor's Bowl
Monday, April 17, 2006
Hurrraayyyyy??? Our Lord is Risen from the dead! He has conquered the grave, He saved us from our sins and gave us New Life, New Hope and New Blessings! Alleluia!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Max and Erna
Erna with her pet
Erna's pretty..^_^
Great Grandma, Grandma, Erna and Great Grandma from San Fransisco
Yummy cake..hand made deco by mommy Celine..Great job!
Thank God for Erna is 4 years old already.
Friday, February 03, 2006
We are quite surprise when we were there, because so many people celebrate Chinese NY and almost all the Restaurant are full for the Reunion Dinner.
Everybody wear RED T-SHIRT as a sign of LUCK, hahaha? ^_^
Reunion time at COCA SUKI BANGKOK
In Bangkok they believe that if we feed the fish around the temple...It's a sign of Forgiveness!
And here we are at SIAM OCEAN WORLD
Inside looks like Under water wold at Sentosa in Singapore