Monday, October 31, 2005

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ibu Gloria adalah seorg Psikolog dan Dosen di Universitas di Jakarta. Beliau bawakan ceramah mengenai Jodohku begitu bagusnya. Menurut saya beliau adalah seorang yg begitu diurapi dan diberkati oleh Tuhan sehingga setiap kali topik yg dibawakan selalu membawa banyak jiwa datang kepada Tuhan. Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 24, 2005


Topik ini adalah topik yang sangat menarik bagi para muda mudi pada umumnya. Biasanya masa pacaran adalah masa yg paling nikmat dimana sang kekasih boleh dicium dan dipeluk sepuasnya, heheheheee? ^_^
Namun setelah mendengarkan ceramah dari Ibu Gloria tgl.21 October 2005 dimana dihadiri cukup banyak youth...kami ditantang utk hidup 'setia dan taat' didalam Tuhan. Sebab dgn setia dan taat kepada Tuhan, maka kita akan mendapatkan pasangan yang terbaik. Dengan kata lain kehidupan perkawinan kita nantinya akan sangat berbahagia. Dan itulah kehidupan yg diharapkan oleh setiap anak2 Tuhan.

Waktu mendengarkan begitu banyak hal mengenai Jodohku, baik itu hal2 yg tdk boleh dilakukan atau hal2 yg perlu dipertimbangkan...saya bertanya pada diriku sendiri...mengapa saya tdk diberitahukan sebelumnya??? Hehehee? Karena kalau tau semuanya itu maka saya akan menghindari hal2 yg demikian perlu dikesalkan krn 'segala sesuatu' yg terjadi didalam kehidupan kita adalah sepengetahuan Tuhan. Dia Maha Tahu dan Maha pengampun. Jadi biarlah apa yg telah terjadi jangan sampai terjadi pada anak2 ku. Itulah yg menjadi harapan saya pribadi utk membesarkan anak2ku dgn memberi pegangan yg kuat didalam Tuhan sehingga mereka tahu bagaimana please God.
And I know it's not easy ya? heheheee? But I'll try my best for them...^_^

Friday, October 07, 2005

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My wife's birthday

Just back from No Sign Board Seafood at East Coast Park.
Nice food and nice view. Thank God for this wonderful day together.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Hi..It's a great day today. We were having a Spiritual Retreat from 7.30pm to 10pm.
Thank God for the nice weather and gave us His annoiting at the Opening Mass by Fr Hans from Medan. He came with 2(two) nuns, Sis Petra and Sis Clodia also from Medan.
Tomorrow got to be there at 8am, to sleep now...ciaoo...zzzzzzzZZZZZ

Friday, September 30, 2005

Suster Petra from Medan. This was the 1st session for our retreat Posted by Picasa

Sharing is what they learn today..each student bring their food and share with all their friends. Wonderful Posted by Picasa

Just visited my son school at 8am. They got sports day and class party. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 26, 2005


Rev 2:10, Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. BE FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH, and I will give you the crown of life.

Hi..we are back from Climb adventure at Hoe Chiang Road near Tanjong Pagar.'s really fun. If you guys out there like to climb...this is a good place for you. You can visit their website at

I saw many men, women and kids are challenging themself to the TOP. And ofcourse not all managed to reach the top. Some half way through they went down because their hands are tired (My Max also halfway he gave up..hahahaa?). But some of them I notice they really tried their best to climb, never give up and they managed to reach the TOP. Wonderful !!!

If I flashed back to my Spiritual life...I often fell and easily give up for what I had tried. Especially when I looked at the past, I tumbled again and again...
Don't ever look back and keep myself focus to the top where He is the only One who can give me the strenght and Eternal hope at the end of my life.

James 1:12, Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him

"I'll try my best to reach the top" said Max Posted by Picasa

Common..higher and higher..^_^ Posted by Picasa

Max is getting ready to climb Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 24, 2005

My max building a castle... Posted by Picasa

Eating time....yummy.. Posted by Picasa

me and my father like son? hehe? Posted by Picasa

me and my erna...look a like? ^_^ Posted by Picasa

Erna with our maid Posted by Picasa

We are at the beach with my kids Godma Posted by Picasa

Erna at the beach Posted by Picasa

They are my strong vocalist for the event, Julianto, Yasin, Ivah and Fenni Posted by Picasa

They are our musician, Ardhi (keyboardist), Guido (drumer), Fred (lead guitarist) and Isengky (bass guitarist) Posted by Picasa

We thank the Lord with one heart, mind and soul Posted by Picasa

Beautiful Angels are our dancer Posted by Picasa

They are our singers with full of burning Spirit; Helina, Cynthia, Sam, Tanty, Yulia and Swanny Posted by Picasa